Small Businesses Rejoice!
Congress Makes Permanent the 100% Exclusion on Sales of Qualified Small Business Stock: Founders and Early Investors May Sell Stock Tax-Free, Importance of Meeting QSBS Requirements Heightened As [...]
Innovative Financial Structures and the IRS: What You Need to Know
Unexpected Tax Consequences Could Arise from Certain Early-Stage Investments Increasingly, social impact entrepreneurs and investors are calling for investment structures that provide more [...]
Structures to Incentivize Impact Performance
I don’t know any of these folks, but this blog highlights one of the structures for incentivizing impact performance that will be analyzed and for which we’ll have sample language as part of the [...]
Innovative Deal Structures for Impact
A few years ago, I wrote a blog about the need for impact investors to re-think exits. I’m happy to see that three years later there are a lot of smart people exploring new investment [...]
Who will lead the effort to a fairer distribution of wealth, if not impact investors?
Impact Investors seek to address the biggest issues of our time through market based approaches. Often, they invest in projects that many would consider the responsibility of government, for [...]
Stuff Those Stockings With Small Business Stock!
Under current US tax law there is a 100% exclusion from federal tax for any capital gains realized from certain investments in “qualified small business stock” made before December 31, 2013 (and [...]
Impact Investing 2.0
As impact investing matures as a field, the first attempts at applying formal research methodology to the field’s activities are beginning to appear. One such project debuted last week at [...]
ayzh Kicks off Crowdfunding Campaign
Our client ayzh is kicking off its small purse, BIG CHANGE Indiegogo Campaign today. Hoping to raise $50,000 to evaluate the impact of its clean birth kit, the JANMA, the campaign runs through [...]